About Support the Journey
After working in the mental health field for over 30 years, Karen Morton, owner and artist, understands how creative energy can be used to promote wellness and healing within one’s spirit, as well as the communities in which we live. Art brings people together, sparks imagination and conversation, and inspires change. It can also aid in calming the mind and provide visual reminders for staying grounded in a particular state of being.
How do you feel when you look at different objects or pieces of art within your home or workspace? What are you drawn to? Why? Being intentional about what you have in your personal space supports the energy you wish to maintain.
Support the Journey was established out of a desire to blend creative energy with fundraising to support others in need. Exposure and success have occurred naturally over the years through the organic process of relationship building with other like-spirited people who are energized by the opportunity to give back and pay forward. Over $15,000 has been paid forward since its inception. Karen is also the writer of I’m The Evidence poem and cofounder of the I’m The Evidence Campaign.
Karen works in a variety of mediums including painting, photography, digital art, woodworking, resin, glass and metal. Her pieces range from high quality photography to abstract paintings and fine furniture, as well as other fun and decorative wayward pieces.
If you are touched or personally inspired by the work of Support the Journey, please share it with others to help expand our reach and impact!